Even though he was put through arduous training in wizardry and combat, Zedd remains a steadfast scholar with a thirst for knowledge and the unknown. In the Mage quarters, he is seldom seen without a ponderous tome. His dedication to research has made him an authority on some of the more esoteric subjects, though such fame means very little to him.
Primary Stats
Class Progression
Tier 1
グレード 1
Tier 2
グレード 2
Tier 3
グレード 3
* This class progression chart is a static representation of the jobs which heroes of this class may attain. Some heroes may remain at Tier 1, others at Tier 2, and a small number advancing to Tier 3.
Character Skills
Life Drain
Deals magic damage equal to 91% of MAG to All enemies and heals for 20% of damage dealt.
Spell Binding Command
When Hero attacks, there is a 75% chance to: Increase MAG of Everyone in aura by 15% of Hero's MAG for 2 turn(s).